What is scouting ?

The scouts are an international organization that ....

Shapes the future of young people and engages them as active members of society

Scouting promotes the growth and development of young people, both as individuals and as members of society, with projects and initiative as guiding principles. In the Scouting movement, young people have the opportunity to gain independence, take initiative, be solution-oriented, and become good leaders who are always ready to offer assistance and contribute to positive changes in society.

Builds friendships, experiences, and skills that stay with the scout for life

Scouting is constantly evolving to continue promoting the growth, development, and progress of young people. The unique aspect of the Scouting movement is that young people have the opportunity to learn through fun, challenging, and developmental activities, outdoor adventures, and social interaction. Through these activities, they gain stronger self-confidence and courage. Scouting also helps them form friendships that often last a lifetime.

Each scout can take a path that suits them at any given time, as individual skills and abilities vary. Scouting should, however, be a platform for scouts to test themselves with new and challenging tasks. The program also takes into account the age of the scouts, who are organized into appropriate age groups. This allows for activities to be planned with regard to the scouts development and abilities.

Offers adventure and togetherness in nature

Scouting activities take place largely outdoors. Emphasis is placed on an adventurous and challenging program where scouts have the opportunity to try tasks such as lighting a campfire, singing scout songs, camping in tents, hiking, orienteering, learning first aid, lashing hammocks, and so much more! It can be an adventure to enjoy scouting in nature, even when the weather isn’t perfect, as it’s often the camaraderie and the activity itself that matter most.

Questions and answers

In scouting, scouts take on tasks and challenges suited to their age and level of development. These can include learning to light a fire, learning games and songs, making hammocks, popping popcorn over an open fire, tackling group challenges, learning first aid, preparing for outdoor activities, carving, kayaking, and much more, as the activities are as varied as the imagination allows.

Through all these tasks, the scout gains experience and knowledge that will benefit them throughout life. In scouting, the scout is expected to take responsibility for and complete the tasks they undertake, live life with joy, and gain the courage to make their dreams come true and seize the opportunities that arise.

Here you can find all scout groups on a map  where the scout groups are located, along with contact information and meeting times.

You can also contact the scout center by phone at 550 9800 or by email at skatarnir@skatarnir.is to find a scout group.

Yes scouting is for everyone and anyone is welcome to join!

You can find a scout group in your neighbourhood here or contact our office for more information in this phone number 550 9800 or send us an email skatarnir@skatarnir.is

Our office is open as says on the bottom of the page.

In our office we have staff that will gladly answer your questions and guide you in the right direction to start your scouting adventure in Iceland.

It costs nothing to come and try scouting, for example, by attending a few scout meetings. If you intend to continue, you need to register with the scout group and pay the membership fee.

Membership fees are paid to the group the scout is registered with. What is included in the membership fee can vary between scout groups. In some groups, everything is included, while in others, camps and scouting trips are not included, and payment for those is required separately when applicable. The scout groups provide more detailed information about their membership fees and what is included.

In all municipalities across the country, leisure grants can be used to pay for membership fees. However, the amount of the leisure grant and the age it applies to can differ between municipalities. Information about the grant can be found on the municipalities’ websites or at the relevant town hall. Scout groups can also assist with gathering information on these matters.

Cost should not be a barrier to scouting activities, and solutions can always be sought in collaboration with the scout group.“**

No! The only requirement to be part of scouting is the desire to participate!

There is no requirement for language proficiency, physical ability, or any other skill. Everyone should be able to participate in scouting activities, and this is precisely the advantage of scouting: how easy it is to adapt to anyone who wants to join, thereby warmly welcoming diverse individuals with varying needs.

BÍS emphasizes that those who serve as group leaders in scout groups have completed a 12-hour first aid course, as well as the Verndum course and leadership training. Additionally, all adults involved in scouting activities must consent to BÍS obtaining a criminal record check and sign the BÍS code of honor.

Generally, scouts attend meetings on their own.

Parents and guardians of children in scouting activities are invited to contribute to support the work through volunteer efforts. Participation by parents, guardians, or other relatives in scouting can take the form of joining and experiencing scout trips and outings, assisting at scout meetings, organizing fundraising activities, maintaining the scout house, and much more.

However, family scouts are the exception to this, as families attend scout meetings together in family scouting activities.

The scouting movement is open to all who adhere to its goals, Fundamental Values, and the Scout Method, regardless of race, color, sex, language, religion, political beliefs or other opinions, nationality, origin, property, lineage, sexual orientation, or other reasons. The final decision to participate or not rests with each individual. The scouting movement is not an exclusive movement. However, it is clear that the scouting movement can only accept individuals with significant special needs when the circumstances and manpower are sufficient to meet their needs

Scouting activities take place mainly outdoors, and it is essential to dress appropriately for the weather for all scout programs, whether it is a scout meeting, camping trip, or another event.

When going on camping trips, competitions, or other events, scouts often need to bring a sleeping bag and a sleeping pad, as well as a backpack that can carry everything. It’s also good to have a smaller daypack for shorter hikes and/or trips.

It can often be expensive to invest in gear, so it may be helpful to check with friends or family to see if anyone has equipment to lend or give away. It can also be smart to look at thrift stores or online selling sites to see if used equipment is available for purchase.

Scout shirts and other clothing can be bought at the Scout shop or purchased second-hand from older scouts who may have outgrown their clothing.

For example, there is a Facebook group dedicated to buying and trading used scouting gear.

  • The Scout Promise is a pledge that the scout makes to themselves, a sort of personal challenge to do their best. When the scout fulfills the Scout Promise, they are taking their first conscious step on the path of self-education to become an independent, active, and responsible member of society.
  • The moral values of the scout movement are presented systematically in the Scout Laws. However, the Scout Laws are much more than just a system of ideas. They are, in fact, patterns of behavior that young people can choose to follow and use to shape their direction in life. To be true to oneself, each individual must think and behave in accordance with their own values.